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Date : 2006-09-01
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An Unnatural Metropolis Wresting New Orleans from Nature ~ Coltens An Unnatural Metropolis provides a wide ranging view of the environmental issues that New Orleans faces Whereas we often tend to view civilization and the environment as two separate entities one having negligible effects in the others sphere of influence Colten clearly establishes the crucial impacts of the lower Mississippi delta and the Crescent City on one another
An Unnatural Metropolis Wresting New Orleans from Nature ~ Coltens An Unnatural Metropolis provides a wide ranging view of the environmental issues that New Orleans faces Whereas we often tend to view civilization and the environment as two separate entities one having negligible effects in the others sphere of influence Colten clearly establishes the crucial impacts of the lower Mississippi delta and the Crescent City on one another
Unnatural Metropolis Wresting New Orleans from Nature ~ As an evocative hybrid of environmental history urban ecology social struggle and the emergence of government agencies Craig E Coltens An Unnatural Metropolis delivers a rich chronicle of the river citys development Critical of the typical historical geographers approach Colten counters the more traditional analysis of urban geography that privileges economic and power relationships as the primary shapers of the urban fabric
Customer reviews An Unnatural Metropolis ~ Coltens An Unnatural Metropolis provides a wide ranging view of the environmental issues that New Orleans faces Whereas we often tend to view civilization and the environment as two separate entities one having negligible effects in the others sphere of influence Colten clearly establishes the crucial impacts of the lower Mississippi delta and the Crescent City on one another
BOOK REVIEW An Unnatural Metropolis Wresting New Orleans ~ In his unexpectedly timely book An Unnatural Metropolis author Craig E Colten recounts this intricate relationship and the human attempt to in effect hold nature at bay at the mouth of the Mississippi Although Colten covers a wide range of the dilemmas faced by New Orleans residents over the past 300 years many of which such as sanitation and water delivery were by no means unique to New Orleans among nineteenthcentury cities in light of recent events most readers probably will
Project MUSE An Unnatural Metropolis Wresting New ~ An Unnatural MetropolisWresting New Orleans from Nature By Craig Baton Rouge Louisiana State University Press 2005 xiii plus 264 pp 3995 By Craig Baton Rouge Louisiana State University Press 2005 xiii plus 264 pp 3995
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LSU Press Books An Unnatural Metropolis ~ How New Orleans came to be taking shape between the mutual and often contradictory forces of nature and urban development is the subject of An Unnatural Metropolis Craig E Colten traces engineered modifications to New Orleanss natural environment from 1800 to 2000 and demonstrates that though all cities must contend with their physical settings New Orleans may be the city most dependent on humaninduced transformations of its precarious site
An Unnatural Metropolis Wresting New Orleans from Nature ~ Urban geographers frequently have portrayed cities as the antithesis of nature but in An Unnatural Metropolis Colten introduces a critical environmental perspective to the history of urban areas His amply illustrated work offers an indepth look at a city and society uniquely shaped by the natural forces it has sought to harness
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