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Date : 1997-12-21
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Microbial Ecology Fundamentals and Applications 4th ~ The fourth edition features enhanced coverage of hot topics such as biofilms thermal vent communities extreme habitats starvation response molecular methods for studying microbial ecology microbial biodiversity biodegradation and bioremediation extensive updating including the latest research findings and references and over 45 new art and photos that illustrate complex concepts and processes
Microbial Ecology Fundamentals and Applications 4th Edition ~ The leading text since its first edition the Fourth Edition retains its comprehensiveness covering both the principles of microbial ecology and the biotechnology applications critical to the field
9780805306552 Microbial Ecology Fundamentals and ~ The fourth edition features enhanced coverage of hot topics such as biofilms thermal vent communities extreme habitats starvation response molecular methods for studying microbial ecology microbial biodiversity biodegradation and bioremediation extensive updating including the latest research findings and references and over 45 new art and photos that illustrate complex concepts and processes
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Microbial ecology fundamentals and applications 4th ~ Microbial ecology fundamentals and applications 4th edition pdf The leading text since its first edition the Fourth Edition retains its comprehensiveness covering both the principles of microbial ecology and the biotechnology
Microbial Ecology Fundamentals and Applications 4th ~ Click to read more about Microbial Ecology Fundamentals and Applications 4th Edition by Ronald M Atlas LibraryThing is a cataloging and social networking site for booklovers
Microbial Ecology Fundamentals and Applications Ronald ~ The leading text since its first edition the Fourth Edition retains its comprehensiveness covering both the principles of microbial ecology and the biotechnology applications critical to
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Microbial ecology fundamentals and applications Atlas ~ Microbial ecology fundamentals and applications Item Preview removecircle Microbial ecology fundamentals and applications by Atlas Ronald M 1946 Bartha Richard Publication date 1993 Topics Edition 3rd ed Externalidentifier urnoclcrecord1036680516
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