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Date : 2004-06-01
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Rating : 4.0
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Category : Book

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Fire and Ashes On the Front Lines Battling Wildfires ~ Fire and Ashes On the Front Lines Battling Wildfires John N Maclean on FREE shipping on qualifying offers An experts report on why wildland fires keep getting hotter bigger and more dangerous to the men and women who fight them Are wilderness fires now a tragic and enduring feature of the American landscape John N Maclean
Fire and Ashes On the Front Lines Battling Wildfires by ~ John N Maclean author of the acclaimed Fire on the Mountain offers a view from the front lines combining actionpacked storytelling with moving insights about An experts report on why wildland fires keep getting hotter bigger and more dangerous to the men and women who fight them
Fire and Ashes On the Front Lines Battling Wildfires by ~ His first book Fire on the Mountain was the MPBA best nonfiction title of 1999 A longtime student of wildfire he assisted in the posthumous publication of Young Men and Fire which was written by his father Norman Maclean He divides his time between Washington and Montana
Customer reviews Fire and Ashes On the Front ~ I like the stories in this book because they are short takes on wildfire that can be digested in a single sitting and range from a fullscale disaster to a close call to a look back at one of wildland fires great legends the Mann Gulch Fire
Fire and Ashes On the Front Lines Battling Wildfires ~ An experts report on why wildland fires keep getting hotter bigger and more dangerous to the men and women who fight them Are wilderness fires now a tragic and enduring feature of the American landscape John N Maclean author of the acclaimed Fire and Ashes On the Front Lines Battling Wildfires
Fire and ashes on the front lines battling wildfire ~ Get this from a library Fire and ashes on the front lines battling wildfire John N Maclean
Fire and Ashes On the Front Lines of American Wildfire ~ Beginning with a riveting account of the worst case of arson in wildfire history the 1953 Rattlesnake Fire in Mendocino National Forest which claimed the lives of fifteen firefighters Maclean explains the mysterious dynamics of fire and the courage and techniques required to combat it
California Wildfires Revealed in Dramatic Pictures ~ As firefighters are battling the blazes some residents are returning to the ashes that remain of their homes searching for what—and who—is left of the lives they once lived
Mann Gulch fire Wikipedia ~ The Mann Gulch Fire was the subject of Norman Macleans book Young Men and Fire which was published after his death The book won the National Book Critics Circle Award for nonfiction in 1992 Norman Macleans son John wrote a book in 2003 titled Fire and Ashes On the Front Lines Battling Wildfires and it also includes a section on the Mann Gulch fire
10 Strategies Firefighters Use to Fight Wildfires Mental ~ A rocky ridge or river can serve as a natural control line or firefighters can establish a manmade one by for example clearing out an extended line of brush Within this overarching definition a fire line is when the barrier is scraped down “to mineral soil” a scratch line is a preliminary line built in a hurry
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