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Date : 2008-09-01
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Abe Lincoln Loved Animals Ellen Jackson Doris Ettlinger ~ Lincolns compassion extended to the animal kingdom He loved cats dogs horses goats rabbits and a plethora of other wondrous creatures He despised hunting and cruelty inflicted against innocent sentient creatures If Lincoln lived today it could be argued that he would be a vegetarian
Abe Lincoln Loved Animals by Ellen Jackson ~ Ellen Jacksons Abe Lincoln Loved Animals is about Abraham Lincolns love of animals growing up He loved them so much that he even brought them to the White House with him and fed his cat with a gold spoon at the table One of his most famous acts of animal affection was when he pardoned the first turkey
Abraham Lincoln the Animal Lover ~ Abraham Lincoln the Animal Lover When Lincoln left Springfield for the White House in 1860 he turned his beloved dog “Fido” over to a neighbor Fido did outlive the President It disputed as to whether Lincoln was actually a vegetarian in his diet Adherents to the theory of Lincoln’s
Abe and Fido Lincolns Love of Animals and the Touching ~ Abe and Fido by Matthew Algeo is the charming tale of Abraham Lincolns life long love of animals Fido his big eared short tailed yaller dog became a national sensation after Lincoln was elected president a home town fixture and community pet until his tragic death
Lincoln Pets Abraham Lincoln Birthplace National ~ Lincoln Pets Abraham Lincoln our sixteenth President loved cats and could play with them for hours When asked if her husband had a hobby Mary Todd Lincoln replied “cats”
Abe Lincoln Loved Animals Just Books Read Aloud ~ Abe Lincoln Loved Animals Written By Ellen Jackson and Dorris Ettlinger Narrated by scrc3521
Abraham Lincoln Loved Cats Dogs Goats a Pig a Turkey ~ Abraham Lincoln Loved Cats Dogs Goats a Pig a Turkey and his Horse Abraham Lincolns law partner in Springfield Illinois William Herndon noted that “Mr Lincoln himself was a very sensitive man and hence in dealing with others he avoided wounding their hearts or puncturing their sensibility
Abraham Lincoln Quotes About Animals AZ Quotes ~ Discover Abraham Lincoln quotes about animals Share with friends Create amazing picture quotes from Abraham Lincoln quotations Labor Labor Day Labour Laughter Lawyers Leadership Learning Leaving Liars Liberalism Libertarianism Liberty Life Live Life Loss Love Loyalty Lying Mankind Marriage Memories Mercy Military Mistakes Money Mothers
Abraham Lincolns Cats Presidential Pet Museum ~ Lincoln Loved Stray Cats Lincoln had a special affinity for stray cats and was known to bring them home on occasion Mrs Lincoln even referred to cats as her husband’s “hobby”
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