▶▶ Read To Save the Land and People: A History of Opposition to Surface Coal Mining in Appalachia Books

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Date : 2003-03-10
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Reads or Downloads To Save the Land and People: A History of Opposition to Surface Coal Mining in Appalachia Now
To Save the Land and People A History of Opposition to ~ Anyone with broad interests in twentiethcentury American environmentalism mining history and environmental justice also will find it a compelling read Montries study of the resistance by the farmers and people directly affected by surface strip mining is an important study for environmental activism
To Save the Land and People A History of Opposition to ~ To Save the Land and People A History of Opposition to Surface Coal Mining in Appalachia By Chad Montrie Chapel Hill University of North Carolina Press 2003 xviii 245 pp Cloth 4500 isbn 0807827657 Paper 1895 isbn 0807854352
To Save the Land and People A History of Opposition to ~ To Save the Land and People makes a clear and concise contribution to our understanding of environmental activism and adds yet another chapter to the infamous story of coal mining in America Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography
To Save the Land and People A History of Opposition to ~ To Save the Land and People A History of Opposition to Surface Coal Mining in Appalachia Surface coal mining has had a dramatic impact on the Appalachian economy and ecology since World War II exacerbating the regions chronic unemployment and destroying much of its natural environment
To Save the Land and People A History of Opposition to ~ During the 1960s eastern Kentucky and other parts of Appalachia saw a surge of grassroots militancy and movement organizing including a movement to abolish surface coal mining the Round Mountain saboteurs were probably part of that collective effort perhaps even members of the Appalachian Group to Save the Land
To save the land and people a history of opposition to ~ To save the land and people a history of opposition to surface coal mining in Appalachia Chad Montrie Surface coal mining has had a dramatic impact on the Appalachian economy and ecology since World War II exacerbating the regions chronic unemployment and destroying much of its natural environment
To Save the Land and People A History of Opposition to ~ Both comprehensive and comparative To Save the Land and People chronicles the story of surface mining opposition in the whole region from Pennsylvania to Alabama
Project MUSE To Save the Land and People A History of ~ Bulldozers sometimes push unwanted rock and debris overburden off the site onto a neighbors land People claim that surface mining companies destroyed their private property And some argue strongly surface coal mining has a negative and lasting impact on an areas economy and culture
To Save the Land and People Chad Montrie University of ~ Both comprehensive and comparative To Save the Land and People chronicles the story of surface mining opposition in the whole region from Pennsylvania to Alabama Though many accounts of environmental activism focus on middleclass suburbanites and emphasize national events the campaign to abolish strip mining was primarily a movement of farmers and working people originating at the local and state levels
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