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Date : 1998-10-15
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Iqbal Masih and the Crusaders Against Child Slavery Susan ~ In the month of December of the year 1994 there was a 12yr old boy honored as a hero Iqbal Masih had been a child slave in a Pakastani carpet factory Five months later Masih had been murdered in his own homeland
Iqbal Masih and the Crusaders Against Child Slavery by ~ Iqbal Masih lived a short life but accomplished more than most people He started off as a child slave in Pakistan and journey across the world to tell his story His life has an abrupt ending but his story lives on
Iqbal Masih and the Crusaders Against Child Slavery by ~ In December of 1994 twelveyearold Iqbal Masih was honored as a hero Just two years earlier he had been a slave condemned to a lifetime of bonded labor in a Pakistani carpet factory And five months later he was dead murdered in his homeland
Iqbal Masih and the Crusaders of Child Slavery Susan Kuklin ~ In all her fine books Kuklin roots the general issues in the personal experiences of individual people Here the emotional center is Iqbal Masih a charismatic Pakistani boy Sold into slavery at age four he was freed six years later by a human rights group He became an activist speaker in Pakistan and Europe and came to the in 1994
Iqbal Masih and the Crusaders Against Child Slavery MY HERO ~ Iqbal Masihs dramatic life story was widely told in the American media after his 1994 visit to the United States to receive the Reebok Human Rights Foundation Youth in Action Award and his murder a few months later
Iqbal Masih and the Crusaders Against Child Slavery ~ Here is the powerful story of Iqbals life and death and of the movement that continues the struggle against child labor today This book does more than recount Iqbals own amazing odyssey Both sobering and inspiring it shows how we are all implicated in the global practice of child labor and how we can all work together to end it
Iqbal Masih and the Crusaders Against Child Slavery ~ She writes of the horrors of child slavery and the dedication of those who have worked within these countries to free children from bondage Iqbal was sold into bondage at age 4 and freed at age 10 by the actions of Pakistani activists calling for enforcement of laws to free children in bondage At age 11 he received the Reebok Youth in Action Human Rights Award for his own efforts to educate others and free children still in bondage
Iqbal Masih and the Crusaders Against Child Slavery ~ The honesty documentation and timeliness of the unfinished story of both child slavery and the killing of Iqbal Masih are riveting A stunning opening photograph of Iqbal commands the reader
Iqbal Masih and the crusaders against child slavery Book ~ Iqbal Masih and the crusaders against child slavery Susan Kuklin An account of the former Pakistani child labor activist whose life and unexplained murder has brought to the attention of the world the evil of child bondage
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