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Date : 2008-05-27
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Thirtymile Fire Wikipedia ~ The Thirtymile Fire was first reported on July 9 2001 in the Okanogan National Forest approximately 30 miles 48 km north of Winthrop Washington United States The wildfire had been caused by an unattended campfire that spread rapidly in the hot and dry weather in the Pacific Northwest
Thirtymile Fire July 10 NWCG ~ Thirtymile Fire July 10 This Day in History is a brief summary of a powerful learning opportunity and is not intended to second guess or be judgmental of decisions and actions Put yourself in the following situation as if you do not know what the outcome will be What are the conditions
Thirtymile Fire JOHN N MACLEAN 9780805083309 Amazon ~ The Thirtymile Fire in the North Cascade Range near the Canadian border of Washington began as a simple mopup operation in a few hours a series of catastrophic errors led to the entrapment and deaths of four members of the fire crew―two teenage girls and two young men
Thirtymile fire 10 years ago today and the consequences ~ Thirtymile fire July 10 2001 Exactly 10 years ago today the Thirtymile fire took the lives of four Forest Service firefighters and triggered a series of events and kneejerk reactions
THE THIRTYMILE FIRE John Maclean ~ The Thirtymile Fire initially seemed just a quick suppression effort but it spiraled out of control into a disaster fire that killed four and badly injured several others The investigations were even more controversial than those of the 1994 South Canyon Fire in Colorado culminating in federal charges against incident commander Ellreese Daniels
United States Thirtymile Fire Investigation Report ~ Overview of the Thirtymile Fire Incident Summary On July 10 2001 the Forest Service Northwest Regulars 6 a Type 2 fire crew was entrapped by wildland fire The fire caused by an abandoned picnic cooking fire was located 30 miles north of Winthrop Washington along the Chewuch River Fourteen crewmembers and two
Thirtymile fire Archives Wildfire Today ~ In the world of wildland fire the Thirtymile Fire established a turning point and a cascade of unintended consequences
Staff Ride to the Thirtymile Fire NWCG ~ Lessons learned from the Thirtymile Fire have resulted in better leadership training and increased emphasis on extended attack fire operations Project Team The Thirty Mile Fire Staff Ride resource is a product of the NWCG Leadership Committee
Learning From The Thirtymile Fire ~ This video is about Learning From The Thirtymile Fire
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