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Date : 1997-05-01
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The Return of the Wolf to Yellowstone Thomas McNamee ~ After generations of struggle between the wolfs friends and foes the wolf was returned to Yellowstone in January of 1995 Thomas McNamee chronicles the drama of the reintroduction the political machinations behind it and the harrowing details of the wolves own lives
The Return of the Wolf to Yellowstone Thomas McNamee ~ The recent reintroduction of the gray wolf to Yellowstone Park after an absence of 70 years is considered by many to be one of the true conservation highlights of this century
Yellowstone Wolves The Return Of The Wolf To Yellowstone ~ The Wolf’s Triumphant Return to Yellowstone In the 1970s national awareness of environmental issues and consequences grow It thus led to the passage of many laws Laws now designed to correct the mistakes of the past
The Return of the Wolf to Yellowstone by Thomas McNamee ~ The Return of the Wolf to Yellowstone The inside account of the environmental story of the decade Early in this century government agents trapped poisoned or shot every wolf they could track down in and around Yellowstone National Park By 1926 not one wolf was left alive
Yellowstone Wolves The Return Of The Wolf To Yellowstone ~ The Wolfs Triumphant Return to Yellowstone In the 1970s national awareness of environmental issues and consequences grow It thus led to the passage of many laws Laws now designed to correct the mistakes of the past
The return of the wolf to Yellowstone McNamee Thomas ~ In January of 1995 after a generation of struggle between the wolfs friends and foes the wolf was returned to Yellowstone Thomas McNamee chronicles the drama of the Reintroduction the political machinations behind it and the harrowing stories of the wolves themselves including the coldblooded assassination of Wolf Number Ten his mate Nines lonely motherhood and the undercover search for the killer
Wolves’ return to Yellowstone recalled on 25th anniversary ~ The document said it represented a “road map” to recovering the wolf population by establishing 10 breeding pairs in the recovery areas which included northwest Montana central Idaho and
The Return of Wolves Improved Life for Every Animal in ~ Not everyone has been on board with the wolves return least of all the ranchers who live in the area surrounding Yellowstone December 2012 saw perhaps the biggest setback the wolves have faced since returning when the wolf known as 06 Female was shot and killed outside of the park by an unknown hunter
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