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Date : 2004-04-01
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Bottle Houses The Creative World of Grandma Prisbrey ~ KindergartenGrade 5–From trash to treasure this is the story of how visionary 20thcentury artist Grandma Tressa Prisbrey built Bottle Village in Simi Valley CA
Grandma Prisbreys Bottle Village Wikipedia ~ Grandma Prisbreys Bottle Village also known as Bottle Village is an art environment located in Simi Valley California It was created by Tressa Grandma Prisbrey 1896–1988 from the 1950s to the 1970s Prisbey built a village of shrines walkways sculptures and buildings from recycled items and discards from the local landfill
Bottle Houses The Creative World of Grandma Prisbrey by ~ The walls of Grandma Prisbreys houses glowed and glittered with color because she made them out of bottles Large and small fancy and plain Grandma Prisbrey salvaged every bottle she could find Being inside one of Grandma Prisbreys houses was like being inside a rainbow or a kaleidoscope or a jewel
Bottle Houses The Creative World of Grandma Prisbrey by ~ A vibrant portrait of American visionary artist Grandma Prisbrey The walls of Grandma Prisbreys houses glowed and glittered with color because she made them out of bottles Large and small fancy and plain Grandma Prisbrey salvaged every bottle she could find Soon people started calling Grandma Prisbrey an artist
Bottle houses the creative world of Grandma Prisbrey ~ An introduction to the world of folk artist Grandma Prisbrey EMBED for hosted blogs and item tags
Bottle houses the creative world of Grandma Prisbrey ~ Get this from a library Bottle houses the creative world of Grandma Prisbrey Melissa Eskridge Slaymaker Julie Paschkis An introduction to the world of folk artist Grandma Prisbrey
UU World Books by UU authors UU World Magazine ~ Bottle Houses The Creative World of Grandma Prisbrey By Melissa Eskridge Slaymaker illustrated by Julie Paschkis Henry Holt 2004 1695 The story of selftaught folk artist Tressa “Grandma” Prisbreys bottle village is told for children illustrated in a delightful folkart style
Bottle Houses The Creative World of Grandma Prisbrey ~ The walls of Grandma Prisbreys houses glowed and glittered with color because she made them out of bottles Large and small fancy and plain Grandma Prisbrey salvaged every bottle she could find Soon people started calling Grandma Prisbrey an artist I cant even draw a car that looks like one she said
Customer reviews Bottle Houses The Creative ~ Bottle Houses tells the true story of Grandma Prisbey artist collector and builder Although not as famous as Simon Rhodia of Watts Tower fame she similarly constructed edifices out of discarded glass and other objects Her creative urge led to a whole complex of varied structures united by the use of found objects
Slaymaker Melissa Eskridge 1958 ~ Bottle Houses The Creative World of Grandma Prisbrey illustrated by Julie Paschkis Holt New York NY 2004 Sidelights Writer and editor Melissa Eskridge Slaymaker is the author of the imaginative picture book Bottle Houses The Creative World of Grandma Prisbrey Born in 1958 Slaymaker grew up in Alexandria Virginia
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