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Date : 2000-11-27
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Devices and Desires Gender Technology and American ~ This elegantly written book is one of the best histories of nursing available today Devices and Desires is one of the best case studies of the impact of technology on work that I have ever read it will make a profound contribution to the literature on labor history Sandelowski is philosophically acute especially when she explores the nature
Devices and Desires Gender Technology and American ~ Readers who are interested in gender studies will also be fascinated by this exploration of gender and technological changeRuth Schwartz Cowan State University of New York at Stony Brook Margarete Sandelowskis latest book Devices and Desires continues her groundbreaking scholarship on technology and its relationships with nursing
Margarete Sandelowski Devices and Desires Gender ~ Margarete Sandelowski Devices and Desires Gender Technology and American Nursing Studies in Social Medicine xx 295 pp illus bibl index
Devices Desires Gender Technology and American Nursing ~ Given the segregated structure of American nursing other than public health nursing before World War II and the relative ease with which the profession integrated during the hightech era Sandelowski should have at least asked whether race may have had an impact on the nursingtechnology relationship
Devices and Desires Gender Technology and American Nursing ~ Devices and Desires Gender Technology and American Nursing By Margarete Sandelowski Chapel Hill University of North Carolina Press 2000 Pp xvii295 451995 Nursing has long posed a provocative test case for arguments about work and technology
Devices Desires Gender Technology and American ~ Bulletin of the History of Medicine 761 2002 177179 Margarete Sandelowski Devices Desires Gender Technology and American Nursing Studies in Social Medicine
Devices desires gender technology and American ~ Get this from a library Devices desires gender technology and American nursing Margarete Sandelowski The author traces the relationship between nursing and technology from the 1870s to the present She argues that while technology has helped shape and intensify persistent dilemmas in nursing it has
Devices and Desires Gender Technology and ~ Do you want to remove all your recent searches All recent searches will be deleted
Devices and Desires Medical Books ~ Devices and Desires Gender Technology and American Nursing Studies in Social Medicine Nursing and technology have been inexorably linked since the beginnings of trained nursing in the United States in the late nineteenth century Medical books Devices and Desires Whether or not they thought of the devices they used as technology nurses
Devices and Desires University of North Carolina Press ~ Devices and Desires Gender Technology and American Nursing By Margarete Sandelowski of Nursing at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing Her books relations in a sustained historical and cultural analysis in order to explore nursing gender and technology studies
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