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Date : 1998-11-01
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Gretchen Groundhog Its Your Day Abby Levine Nancy ~ Gretchen Groundhog Its Your Day Abby Levine Nancy Cote on FREE shipping on qualifying offers Its almost Groundhog Day and the town of Piccadilly is all abuzz because Gretchen Groundhog will not Go Out Her GreatUncle Gus is too old to look for his shadow anymorenow its Gretchens turn But shes too shy
Gretchen Groundhog Its Your Day by Abby Levine ~ Townspeople an elegant groundhog and a charming burrow all show up for Groundhog Day in this simple sweet story about oldand newtraditions Poor Gretchen Groundhog is too shy to come out of her hole on February 2 but her greatuncle Gus too old for the job offers her plenty of encouragement
Gretchen Groundhog Its Your Day by Abby Levine Nancy ~ Gretchen reads the words of other shy groundhogs from the past Goody Groundhog who came on the Mayflower George Groundhog who served at Valley Forge etc Gretchen realizes that she can face the crowds just as her illustrious ancestors did even before the official inauguration of Groundhog Day in 1887
Gretchen Groundhog Its Your Day Childrens Books Read Aloud ~ Gretchen Groundhog Its Your Day by Abby Levine Author Nancy Cote Illustrator Its almost Groundhog Day and the town of Piccadilly is all abuzz because Gretchen Groundhog will not Go Out
Gretchen Groundhog Its Your Day Albert Whitman Company ~ Its almost Groundhog Day and the town of Piccadilly is all abuzz because Gretchen Groundhog will not Go Out Her GreatUncle Gus is too old to look for his shadow anymorenow its Gretchens turn But shes too shy
Gretchen Groundhog Its Your Day by Abby Levine Scholastic ~ When GreatUncle Gus becomes too old to Go Out to check for his shadow Gretchen has the responsibility Will she be too shy to appear before the townsfolk so t
Gretchen Groundhog Its Your Day book by Abby Levine ~ Buy a cheap copy of Gretchen Groundhog Its Your Day book by Abby Levine Its almost Groundhog Day and the town of Piccadilly is all abuzz because Gretchen Groundhog will not Go Out Her GreatUncle Gus is too old to look for Free shipping over 10
Gretchen Groundhog Its your Day Book Chicago Public ~ Gretchen Groundhog Its your Day Book Levine Abby When she has to take over the job of appearing in Piccadilly on Groundhog Day to look for her shadow Gretchen Groundhog is worried and nervous and threatens not to come out
GRETCHEN GROUNDHOG ITS YOUR DAY ~ Narrator 1 GRETCHEN GROUNDHOG ITS YOUR DAY Narrator 2 It was a dark and snowy night Gretchen Groundhog sat in her burrow worrying In a few days it would be February 2 when the world would be watching the little town of Piccadilly Narrator 3 On that day for the first time Gretchen would step from her burrow to stand
Customer reviews Gretchen Groundhog Its ~ Fortunately the night before Groundhog Day Gretchen gets a visit from Hester the town historians daughter Her records show that through the years EVERY groundhog has been afraid to Go Out from Pilgrim Goody Groundhog to Gretchens GreatUncle Gus Guss advice to Gretchen all along has been that the first time is the hardest
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