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Date : 2012-03-06
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Reads or Downloads Recovering a Lost River: Removing Dams, Rewilding Salmon, Revitalizing Communities Now
Recovering a Lost River Removing Dams Rewilding Salmon ~ Hawleys love for the wild rivers of the northwest has sparked this courageous and detailed expose about the potential destruction of the Snake River ecosystem He unravels the economic facade of dam creation while successfully linking the survival of wild salmon to our own existance as a culture and a species
Recovering a Lost River Removing Dams Rewilding Salmon ~ Recovering a Lost River Removing Dams Rewilding Salmon Revitalizing Communities In the Pacific Northwest the Snake River and its wilderness tributaries were once some of the world’s greatest salmon rivers In the Pacific Northwest the Snake River and its wilderness tributaries were once some of the world’s greatest salmon rivers
Recovering a Lost River Removing Dams Rewilding Salmon ~ Now due to four federal dams the salmon population has dropped close to extinction Steven Hawley journalist and selfproclaimed “river rat” argues that the best hope for the Snake River lies in dam removal a solution that pits the power companies and federal authorities against a collection of Indian tribes farmers fishermen
Recovering a Lost River Removing Dams Rewilding Salmon ~ Recovering a Lost River depicts the compelling arguments and actions being made on behalf of salmon by a growing army of river warriors Their message persistent but disarmingly simple is that all salmon need is water in their rivers and a clear way home
RECOVERING A LOST RIVER by Steven Hawley Kirkus Reviews ~ Primarily focusing on efforts to remove four dams from the Snake River a part of the Columbia River basin in the Northwest Hawley details the damage He begins with salmon By the next century they may be extinct in large part because they cannot navigate dammed rivers like the Snake to return to their spawning grounds
Recovering a Lost River AJ – Canadas Environmental Voice ~ In Recovering a Lost River Removing Dams Rewilding Salmon Revitalizing Communities author Steven Hawley leads readers on a meandering journey up the Snake River – dropping in on the communities it threads through – to its wilderness headwaters in Idaho
Recovering a Lost River Removing Dams Rewilding Salmon ~ For Hawley and for several salmon war veterans he interviewed like Reed Burkholder and Ed Chaney 22 the obvious solution to significantly restoring the salmon runs is to remove the four federal dams on the Lower Snake River
Recovering a Lost River Removing Dams Rewilding Salmon ~ After reading Hawleys very readable Recovering a Lost River Im more convinced than ever that and Canadian government policy toward salmon and steelhead is to extirpate these pesky critters as they are in the way of greedy development unnecessary dams illegal profiteering toxic fish farms and more useless hatcheries
Beacon Press Recovering a Lost River ~ In the mid1970s some horrible drought years beset the Pacific Northwest steepening the alarming descent of Snake River salmon stock toward extinction just as the last four federal dams on that river were completed The decision was made to gather juvenile salmon at the dams and barge or truck them downstream below the tailrace of Bonneville Dam
STEVEN HAWLEY RECOVERING A LOST RIVER REMOVING DAMS ~ In Recovering a Lost River Hawley shows how river restoration with dam removal as its centerpiece is not only virtuous ecological practice but also a growing social and economic enterprise stretching from Maine’s Kennebec to California’s Klamath and ultimately hopefully to the Snake as well
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